Autobahn Tank & Rast Gruppe GmbH & Co. KG
Andreas-Hermes-Str. 7-9
53175 Bonn
Telefon 0228 / 922-0
Telefax 0228 / 922-4110
Residence: Bonn (Local court - Amtsgericht - of Bonn, HRA 8655)
VAT identification number: USt. Id. Nr.: DE 310137553
Individually liable partner: Autobahn Tank & Rast Management GmbH with headquarters in Bonn (Bonn district court, HRB 21964)
Responsible according to § 18 Abs. 2 MStV:
Dietmar Thomas
Head of Corporate Communications & Digital Media
Autobahn Tank & Rast Gruppe GmbH & Co. KG
Andreas-Hermes-Str. 7-9
53175 Bonn
Disputes: The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR). This platform can be found at Serways hotels does, however, not use any form of out-of-court dispute resolution. If you have a complaint about our services please use our email address: kundenkontakt(at)